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We are the united 官方澳洲幸运五开奖结果-澳洲幸运5开奖结果官网直播手机版voice

of the EU Specialty Feed Ingredients Industry

Our associationEU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures

FEFANA is the united voice of the specialty feed ingredients business in Europe. Our membership comprises manufacturers and traders of feed additives, functional feed ingredients, premixes and other mixtures of specialty ingredients that enter the food chain via feed.

Specialty Feed Ingredients' contribution to Animal Welfare

FEFANA is the united voice of the specialty feed ingredients (SFIs) business in Europe. In In this video, you will learn that SFIs play an important part in meeting the nutritional requirements to ensure animal health and well-being. In addition, SFIs can support a stronger immune system and improved vitality, and can help animals cope better with stress, for instance due to heat on hot summer days or when transitioning from their mother’s milk to solid food. Watch this video to learn more on how SFIs can thereby contribute to animal welfare.
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Specialty Feed Ingredients’ contribution to sustainable animal farming

Specialty feed ingredients (SFIs) are important allies for an efficient and environmentally friendly food system and help reduce the environmental footprint from livestock. Learn more on the beneficial effects of SFIs and why they are key for sustainable animal farming and circular economy.
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The Farm-to-Fork Strategy: our contribution

Climate care, circular economy, animal well-being, resource efficiency: these are only a few of the ways in which innovative specialty feed ingredients contribute to the ambitious Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork agendas.
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Success storyFEFANA authorisation Consortia

Through an efficient cooperation system, manufacturers and importers of feed additives were offered the opportunity to participate in FEFANA Consortia and jointly prepare applications for re-authorisation of additives of their interest.
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FEFANA provides its members and the public at large with tools supporting an improved understanding and implementation of the regulatory requirements for Specialty Feed Ingredients and their mixtures


Through innovation, the Specialty Feed Ingredients industry continuously and intensively contributes to limiting the environmental impact of animal farming activities. This include measures to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, eutrophication and acidification as part of an important societal responsibility.

Regulatory topics

FEFANA and its Members carry out their activities within a vast and complex regulatory framework. This section covers the main topics currently on FEFANA’s agenda.
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FEFANA’s structure and its place in the EU environment
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European Livestock Voice

We won't tell you what to eat, drink or wear... But it's good to hear the two sides of the story about livestock. #MeattheFacts
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Specialty Feed Ingredients’ role in the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance

Animal nutrition has a crucial role in supporting animal health and welfare. Specialty Feed Ingredients are used in feed and pet food to ensure a safe and appropriate diet. Some of these ingredients can also support the animals’ natural defences against, for example, bad bacteria. Maintaining animals in optimal health limits and prevents the need for veterinary treatments, consequently reducing the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
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Specialty Feed Ingredients

Much of the nutrition of farm animals is based on maize, wheat and soybean meal. To ensure that animals get all the essential nutrients they need, specialty feed ingredients are often needed.


They contribute to efficient, affordable and appropriate animal nutrition and support animal health and well-being.

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体彩澳洲幸运5开奖结果号码查询-历史开奖结果 FEFANA is the united voice of the specialty feed ingredients business in Europe where the industry generates an annual turnover of 5 billion EUR.


FEFANA membership comprises manufacturers and traders of feed additives, functional feed ingredients, premixes and other mixtures of specialty ingredients.


Centred in the heart of Brussels, FEFANA facilitates the dialogue between EU institutions and feed business operators while promoting feed and food safety and a fair and competitive market.

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